Tuesday, June 25, 2024


MilletTamilScientific NameFamilyPurposeDr Khadar Vali
FoxtailThinaiSetaria italicaPoaceaeNervesPositive
Brown TopKula SaamaiUrochloa ramosaPoaceaeEyes and ObsesityPositive
LittleSaamaiPanicum sumatrensePoaceaeSperm and InfertilityPositive
KodoVaraghuPaspalum scrobiculatumPoaceaeBloodPositive
BarnyardKudhiraivaliEchinochloa esculentaPoaceaeLiver and KidneyPositive
Pearl MilletKambuPennisetum glancumPoaceaeLactationNeutral
Finger MilletRaghiEleusine coracanaPoaceaeBoneNeutral
CornZea maysPoaceaeNeutral
Proso MilletPani VaraghuPanicum miliaceumPoaceaeProteinNeutral
GreatSolamSorghum BicolorPoaceaeLiver and KidneyNeutral

Brown top millet is considered as a king as it is the best for digestion and hence improves overall health.

Why millets are classified as Positive? 

 FAQ's on Ambali

How to prepare millet porridge?

Microbial Imbalance

Drive link for Books and Protocols


Indoor O2 Plants

The data has been extracted from 1989 NASA Document and Kamal Meattle's Talks.

 A 1989 research paper by NASA on indoor plants for controlling indoor air pollution.

Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement

How to grow fresh Air (2009). 

Ted Talk by Kamal Meattle (2017) Benefits of good Air Quality for cognitive ability in a building & residence.

Introduction to air purifying plants

A oxygen garden in chennai (Tamil)


Technical Notes for Reference:

"it is a well-established fact that microorganisms have the ability to genetically adapt, thereby increasing their ability to utilize toxic chemicals as a food source when continuously exposed to such chemicals. This phenomenon is currently used to remove toxic chemicals from wastewater".

These are common soil microorganisms and most are known to be capable of biodegrading toxic chemicals when activated by plant root growth.

mother-in-law's tongue had been growing for a long period wereAlcaligenes, Bacillus, Curtobacterium, Flavobacterium, Micrococcus, Myxococcus, and Pseudomonas.

Arthrobacter, Bacillus, and Leuconostoc were found in marginata root soil. 

Bacteria such as Bacillus, Flavobacterium, Leuconostoc, and Micrococcus were also found in the Chinese evergreen potting soil. 

The peace lily potting soil contained A ureobacterium, Bacillus, Curtobacterium, Micrococcus, Pseudomonas, and Streptomyces. 

Tree List to be included.

Sunday, May 26, 2024


Imagine placing a small stone on your head. Does it pain?

Now, imagine the same small stone falling on your head. Would you feel the pain?.

Of course, yes.  The reason is motion of the object (stone). Measurement of this motion is called Energy. You may even call it the measure of pain!

What is motion? 

Please refer to the following articles.




How do we visualize Energy?

Human beings require 2000 kilocalories per day. The food nutrition label above shows 220 kcal.


How do we visualize the kilocalories of energy?

Example1 :

The tree is very tall. This is a very subjective description of the height of a tree. 

The tree is 30 feet tall. That gives is a very clear idea of how tall is the tree.

Example 2:

On a similar note, if a person has to climb stairs and reach 100 m height above ground level, what is the energy required?

You may use this simple formula.  Energy = Weight of the person x 10 x  height in meters.

If Weight of person = 70 kg, then energy required = 70 x 10 x 100 = 70 kJ = 16 calories

Example 3:

A stone of 2 kg falling on our head x height from which it falls.

2 kg x 10 x 1.5 m = 30J = 0.007 calories.

We may not even survive this event. however, it gives an idea of energy.

We considered only straight line motion to understand and visualize energy. The idea can be extended to rotation, wave and quantum motions. only the formulas would differ.

What is Power?

We classify plants as sun loving, shade loving etc. This leads us into the concept called power.

Power is measured in watts and is energy spent in 1 second.

Taking example 2, the person spends a total of 70000J to climb. If the person climbs in a low pace, he/she would not get tired. But if we ask them to run up the stairs, they might get exhausted quickly and may not even reach the top.

That;s the reason we require power as a concept. Lights, fans, cars, pumps are all specified in terms of power.

Some Facts about Energy

  • Energy can neither be created nor destroyed
  • Energy can be converted from one form to another
  • Nature follows the path of least resistance

There are 7 forms of energy that govern the whole of universe.

Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism, Light, Sound, Heat, Chemical and Nuclear.

When plants perform photosynthesis, energy from sun light is converted into a valence bond (due to electric charges) within the sugar molecules (C6H12O6 for example) and stored in the plant. We shall refer to this as chemical energy.

Sugar (Glucose) Molecule 

When this bond (the horizontal and vertical lines) in sugar molecule is broken, energy is released back into the environment. This is what happens, when we consume food.

The following article provides a simple introduction to matter and bonds. 



A leaf has the ability to stop fast moving sunlight and hide it within its body. Some day human beings would create solar panels that would directly generate sugar.



Living things like humans and animals interact with external environment using the basic 5 sense organs. Skin (Touch), Tongue (Taste), Nose (Smell), Ears (Sound) and Eyes (Light).

In fact, life seems to a sequence of responses to external and internal events. Sense organs seem to play a very important role. We shall look at the need and evolution of sense organs and subsequently about matter; the stuff rocks, plants, animals and the whole of this diversity made of.

Need and Evolution of Sense Organs: 

Touch: An organism has to get in contact with other to sense it.

Taste: Once the touch happens, the sense of taste would give an indication of whether it can be consumed or not.

Smell: Touch and Taste would require physical contact. Smell could be used to sense an object even without touching

Sound: Similar to smell, sound can be used to recognize an object even without touching. However, sound can travel greater distance, faster (330m/s in air) and is based on the principle of vibration of molecules.  kindly refer to this article for significance of vibrations

Light: Similar to sound, light can travel much much farther, faster (3x10^8m/s) and is also based vibration of electrons (electromagnetic waves). Touch, Taste, Smell and Taste require another object or medium. But light can travel through vacuum. Reason why we can see far off objects like planets and stars.

How do Plants interact with environment?

Plants do not have sense organs similar to humans and animals. However, they respond to gravity, light, sound (vibrations), chemicals at  molecular and cellular level.  


How do bacteria communicate with the environment?

Bacteria seem to communicate using molecules. termed quorum sensing.

Having understood the need for sense organs, let us explore what is matter made of?  what are the building Blocks of Nature?

We, Humans deciphered matter from the 3 element model (Vatha, Pitha, Kapha), then the 5 element model (Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Sky) and after ages we landed into the periodic table.

The interesting thing is all of these basic elements in periodic table is made of just 3 particles (based on particle physics). 

These particles themselves are based on vibrations. The world of quantum vibrations.

The combination of electrons, protons and neutrons are called atoms.

Now, what are molecules and how are they made? 

The last column (number 18 on top) are termed noble gases and they do not interact with any other element (also referred to as atom). They do not interact with other elements as have sufficient number of electrons in the outer most orbit. its called an octet rule. The outermost orbit should have 8 electrons.

The common salt. NaCl. Is a combination of sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). Na is in column 1, Cl is in column 1(7).  Column number indicates the number of electrons . 

All of us tend to become noble (contented). On a similar note, since sodium has only one electron in the outer most shell it has 2 choices. To get 7 more electrons to become noble or lose that one electron to become noble. loosing one seems to be easier than gaining 7.

Chlorine has 7 seven electrons and it requires just one more electron to become noble. 

So, for Na and Cl should come into an agreement. Na shall donate 1 electron and chlorine shall accept that electron. But in this process the atoms are no more electrically neutral. One becomes negatively charged and the other becomes positively charged. Negative and Positive charges attract and come together to form a single molecule. NaCl. An atom by default is electrically neutral. But when they are not electrically neutral, the atoms are called ions. Hence, this type of molecule formation is termed as ionic bonds.

Philosophically speaking, in trying to become noble, both these atoms loose their identity and become a something else.

How are molecules like CO2 formed?

Carbon dioxide is not formed based on ionic bonds. They do not donate or gain and electron. They just share electrons between each other. The concept of sharing electrons is termed valence bonding.

One of the ways atoms form molecules by sharing (bonding) is under specific temperature & pressure and the other by means of microorganisms.

How was the first cell formed out of molecules?

Abiogenesis is the term used to describe the process of how molecules get together to form cells.

So, life seems to be all about electrons, atoms, molecules, cells, organs and the way the interact with each other.


Understanding the concept of resonance and vibration would help us understand many scientific, Traditional Knowledge and Spiritual questions.

Concept of resonance is easier understood with the help of demonstration. Please watch the below video.

Motion of one wire is transferred to the others. Back and forth motion of the wire is vibration.
Transfer of this vibration to other wires is called as resonance.

We have also explained the reason for light and sound to be in the form of vibrations. The reason being; storage of multiple information in the same location. 

Scientific Example:

Working principle of Microwave oven. 

How can light from sun cause water from sea and river to evaporate?

How does a match stick light up once rubbed against a another surface?

How is sunlight converted into sugar (photosynthesis) by plants?

Why plant leaves appear green in color?

Traditional Knowledge Example:

Why should we utter mantras while cooking?

Is there a possibility of getting dreams in sleep from others experience?

Can plants understand human communication?

Is there a possibility to keep working without getting tired?

Answer to all of the questions above is resonance and vibration. 

Resonance seems to be the basis of communication in nature whether living or non-living.

Additional Reading:

1. Synchronization as a concept seems to be used for coordination among different organisms. The following article describes the concept of  for human beings.


2. Molecules/Electric charge is used for communication among bacteria.


Microbes including Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa and Nematodes, seem to provide food for the plants. Both below and above soil. 

Microbes seem to thrive under soil at temperatures around 25 degree centigrade. 

Microbes above the soil; in the stem and leaves, should be able to withstand the environmental temperature fluctuations. Up to 50 degree centigrade.

So, what is temperature and how do we visualize temperature?

Matter is made of atoms and molecules. These molecules will be in motion. Even in solids, there will be molecular motion. As the motion of molecules in solids increase, it would get converted into liquid. Further increase in motion of molecules in liquid would convert it into gas.

The amount of motion of molecules is what we measure as Temperature.

Imagine touching Ice or warm water with our finger tip. Our finger tip has the ability to measure the amount of motion in Ice or warm water, transfers to our brain and is interpreted as either cold or hot.

You may try the simulation using the link below.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Plant Propagation

Open pollinated seed, heirloom, stem cutting, grafting, budding, hybrids, tissue culture, root propagation, and leaf propagation are methods used for plant propagation.

Which method is better? Is there a specific method more appropriate than the other?

It's the gene, the rule book for form and function of all living things in this world.

This gene gets modified as it evolves over time. Nature seems to prefer diversity, which explains the existence of male and female within the same species. 

Not every seed from the same plant is genetically identical, as they may be pollinated from different sources. Diversity seems to help with adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

The gene is transferred from parents once during reproduction and subsequently modified as the plant (or any living thing) grows. For more information, refer to programmed cell death (https://www.nature.com/articles/4400297.pdf).

Among all the plant propagation methods, only the open pollinated method contains genes based on random events (a bee does not intend to pollinate; it just goes for the nectar). All other methods are based on human interventions.

So, which method is best? The choice depends on sustainable practices, corporate dependency, and the scale of operations.

if your question is about why gene is the core aspect of this answer?

Please go through this article. https://openneuron.blogspot.com/2019/06/purpose-of-death.html

Additional Reading:

How are GM's Made?

Tissue Culture

Rose propagation through seeds