Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Science is simpler than psychology

It is so common to hear from students and parents that "i am not good in science. so am choosing arts, commerce, visual communication etc., as a career option"

Too good to be true. not really. lets argue.

The argument goes like this.

Image result for hachiko movie scenes

Scene 1: That is our friend Hachi from the famous Hachiko movie.

Rear View Of Dog Sitting On Road Against Clear Sky : Stock Photo

- Can we predict which way will our friend go? To the left, to the right or just turn around and walk back. There may be one too many reasons for our friend to choose an option. It gets almost unpredictable.

Scene 2: The financial market. Can we predict which way would it go?

Image result for financial markets

Image result for global economy

Scene 3: Global economy. How is the currency value decided?

Scene 4: How about an art something like this. This one of Escher's.
Image result for escher's art

All these scenes above require very high level of skills. Skills like group theory, statistics, probability and more importantly creativity. Add to this the regime of chaos, fractals and self-organizing systems. Mind boggling.

Compare this with science.
Image result for chandrayan path

Science deals with predictions of motion of inanimate objects. They don't think on their own. All we requires is the concept of acceleration and and a few mathematical tools like arithmetic, geometry and calculus.

With the advent of simulation software's, things have got much simpler.

So, can we say science is simpler than psychology?

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