Friday, November 13, 2015

God creates startups

This is what happens when we start thinking too loud. So loud that the decibel levels go beyond our sensible range and happened to end up plagiarizing even the title for this post from Stephen Hawking best seller "God Created Integers"

So, what has God to do with startups? Well, it is the Angels who guided me to this. Of course, i came to know of angels through venture capitalists. One leading to the other.

I am not alone. Most of us get ideas. Since it is our idea, we always feel it is got to be ground breaking and the greatest ever. Its only natural. As per cosmic intelligence theory, the same idea would have occurred to many of us at the same instance. We generally like to, rather choose to ignore this theory. After all, it is just a theory. Against common wisdom, against human nature, at least at this moment, we would like to be alone. All alone. From this state of being all alone, we would like to go and be every where. what a contrary?

The idea or concept has to take the shape of a service or a product. Now the real game starts.To play this game, it takes time, effort and money. The last of these; the money, comes first and is MOST valued. Yes. in capitals.

As one leads to other, to realize the idea, we need money; the most important ingredient. Where does the money come from?

This brings us to the landscape of venture capitalists, Angels, Impact Investors and God. We have not considered banks here as they look for collateral's; just that you have money in another form, and you see, you end up paying interest on the money you already possess. The game gets interesting.

Go to a VC. Well. I hear you screaming, "come on. grow up man". Yes. I think I understand what you mean. Money begets money. If you have enough money, you have access to more money. if you have commercialized your idea and looking to expand or rake up more money, then go to a VC. There is a rule of thumb here. "go to a venture capitalist when you don't want money".This is my interpretation. You may refer to a book "Entrepedia" by Professor Nandini Vaidyanathan.

Go to an Angel Investor. Literally they are angels. They offer a helping hand. They share the risk.  You have a working model and there are a few early adopters, Angels are there for help.

There are also a rare breed of Investors. The impact investors. They are rare because, the moment they come in, they don't ask for an exit. It is very difficult that you can go to them. They will have to find you and come to you. They will find their way through your family, friends and well wishers. Impact investment does not need to be in the form of money alone. They can be in terms of time, effort, early adopter or just a reference.

Now coming to the end of our story, you are at the very beginning, you just have an idea. We already agreed and added adjectives to your idea like ground breaking, disruptive, innovative etc. What do we do? Where do we go? This is when God comes in. You see, you don't have to go anywhere. God comes in. I am not joking. Just got to believe. It is only you; all alone. It is you who made a choice to be all alone.

Since we are alone, only thing to do now is to look within and there we will find God. Hence the title "God Creates Startups". As much as we began with plagiarism, we shall also end with plagiarism. The end being picked from "Anbae Sivam" Movie.

"When people don't laugh at your goal, Your goal may be too small"
                                                                              - Mr.Azim Premji


  1. When people say "only god can help you", this is what they may intend to convey.

  2. When you share an idea, you might have got two possible responses. 1. some one else is already doing this. Why would you do this? 2. No body does this. Why would you do this?

    Either way the question remains the same. Once we are able to answer this question; to ourselves, we are more or less on the right track.

  3. On a lighter note.

    The moment you get an idea, go and ask a VC for money. They will guide you to god.

  4. How do i know if i am talking to a VC, Angel or Impact investor? The same person may play different roles depending on the context.

    A VC will ask for an exit plan, An Angel investor will ask for a business plan, An Impact investor will just listen to your idea.

  5. Temet nosce - know thyself, good philosophy. Christianity says God works his grace through you and makes you bear fruit, if you ask for it. In this context , if look within,I plead myself to work and bear fruit. something we all have done,when we know we lack discipline and commitment to do what it takes.
