Monday, January 24, 2011

Face S(h)aving

Every day morning, shaving the face (leave alone face saving) is a difficult exercise; at least for me. But almost every man does or is forced to do so and shaving and shaving every day has nevertheless become a parameter for assessing the quality of a person (An irregular routine of shaving represents an inconsistent person or person of indiscipline).

So what it takes to make a clean shave?. A liter of water at the minimum, Brush, Foaming Cream, Razor, Blade and after shave. For the blade again there is a choice of age old single blades, twin edge, triple edge and so on. One day suddenly it dawned that why don't we make a twin blade by using normal blades ( the blades used in barber shop) so as to make it economical and also to be free from a single brand.

Before going ahead and designing one, just thought of checking it out if some one has already made one; It happens mostly and we are not alone. The facts were revealing, surprising and at the same time intriguing.

Shaving Facts
"Alexander the Great strongly promoted shaving during his reign in the 4th century BCE to avoid "dangerous beard-grabbing in combat", and because he believed it looked tidier"

1820 - The first razor seems to have been made in 1820

1928 - The first electric shaver

1971 - Emergence of twin blades

1983 - The twin blade system does not seem to have the advantage as claimed

1. The safety razor was invented to reduce cuts on the face
2. Auto-loader was invented to prevent cuts on fingers
3. The electric shaver was invented to reduce/eliminate water consumption
4. 2,3,4 & 5 blade cartridges were invented to ------ (i don't want to say :-) )

Like it or not, better start enjoying what we do (do we have a choice ?).

Innovation is the key. May be the next possible question would be "First of all, Why allow hair to grow?".

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