Saturday, August 7, 2021

Gravity of Life


What is life?  was wondering and pondering over this question for long. 

There are things that have life (humans, insects etc.,) and that do not (rocks, metals, water etc.,). That's how we understand living and non-living things on this earth. So what makes life and living?

Did not get any closer. so asked the opposite question of what is death and came up with this article.. "Purpose of Death". Sort of understand what life is. a bit closer but not close enough.

This question was alive. In the mind.

Life is some thing that works against gravity. This was an answer that popped up. It was not through any forceful logical thinking. but a push from within the mind. something like an instinct.

On further analysis, I could trace it back to my child hood dream of creating an anti-gravity device. Just like most kids do. Listen to Mahabharata or Ramayana. Any one would.

Exploring further and listing out the six different physical phenomenon

Electricity -   Can be blocked (Switch)

Magnetism -  Can be diverted (faradays cage)

Sound        -  Can be blocked (Insulators)

Light         -    Can be blocked (Reflectors)

Heat          -     Can be blocked (Insulators)

But Gravity.

One day I happened to visualize myself holding a gravity shield (a sheet of special imaginary fiber) above my head. The shield was between earth and sun. Could imagine the earth drifting away from its orbit and started moving out of our solar system.

Nature will not allow a gravity shield to be discovered by anyone. if nature allowed, planets would not be able to stay in orbit. From then stopped thinking of inventing a gravity shield.

Many years passed. 20 years plus. Another passing thought. The thought that, anything that lives is able to stand, fly or swim.  Things that live, breathes oxygen. Once the breathing stops, we fall flat to the ground. Gravity takes over once the breathing stops.

The core of life should be oxygen. For oxygen to combine with any other element or molecule, it should resonate with a certain vibration.

Think of this example. A match stick does not burn by itself. The molecules in the match stick head should be given sufficient vibration (energy) for atmospheric oxygen to combine with it.

On a similar note, the cells in the body or what ever is responsible for metabolism should resonate with oxygen. If that vibration (energy) is not sufficient enough, there is no life.

So the next journey begins. What is that which resonates with oxygen?

Could life be anti-gravity?

After Thought:

A small seed sown in the earth grows into a full blown plant or tree. The seed has something in it to germinate. At the same time, a massive dead tree is decomposed by the microbes in earth. May be the microbes know about life. The energy. The thing called life.